Reflection / Stirrings

I’m thinking of putting an art book together, again (God, Rob. Just do it already…), and this is going to be the cover. I think it sums up my art, but “how dare an artist classify his own work”, and “is digital even art?” It’s not hubris, I try to find the soul of any situation, my art runs dark, but with hints of humor and levity. That’s my self-classification. In this image, called ‘Reflection’ the world order has collapsed (clapping from the peanut gallery) and zombies rule in utilitarian happiness, shambling about like there’s no tomorrow. One particular zombie spies her reflection in a cracked window, jumps the skeleton of a long dead soldier, and ambles over to take a look. Has she found something in that reflection that has sparked a memory? What has her dog found beyond the reflection that has set it off? Is it the viewer, hiding in some long abandoned shop? Will the dogs barking cause the zombie to look deeper into the window?  

No AI zombies….. Just digital art. 24 hours worth.

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