Fantasy v. Reality

One of the types of art I’ve enjoyed creating is the juxtaposition of adrenaline charged high fantasy, with the cold mundane-ness of reality. I’ve done a few creations to this end. Let’s explore:

The first is, “A Warrior Walks into a Bar.” I created this from multiple angles, because there is a lot more going on than just another portrait.

I did a second take to focus more on the server and her reaction to the impossibility of someone bringing their horse into the bar – which has been done in cinema.

Another cool thing about alternate angles is that it can showcase other players in the scene and what they are really doing, for example, the bartender saying to the Warrior that horses are definitely not allowed in the bar.

Finally, there’s the boredom that any gamer feels when having to ‘adult.’ In this case, our hero can’t wait to get out and slay the dragon, but she has to do the TPS report first.

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